Starting at $30.00

will fix wordpress bugs, errors, issues

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Money-back Guarantee

We promise an excellent order experience or your money back.

We prioritize user satisfaction by carefully vetting all sellers and buyers. Before approving gigs, we review sellers' profiles thoroughly. As a buyer, your payment is held in our escrow system until released to the seller. You have a 25-day warranty period after gig delivery to cancel and receive a full refund if unsatisfied.


  • Create an Account
  • Select the Gig You wish to purchase
  • Check and Confirm on the Cart
  • Click Checkout and Make Payment
  • You can Communicate with the Seller through the seller inbox offer live customer support which you can find on the bottom of the page. You can click on live telegram support

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I will fix wordpress bug, errors, Issues you are facing on your website.

My services:

 Installation and setup

 Plugin errors

 Internal Server Error

 Error Establishing A Database Connection

 Syntax W0rdPress Error

 HTTP Error 403 Forbidden

 Clean malware Virus or Malicious code

 Connection Timed Out Error

 WordPress bug fix & theme and plugin development

 Fix WordPress errors

 Fix WordPress CSS issues

 Fix Bugs

 WordPress Cache issues and Much More...

Why to choose me?

Fully Satisfaction

Fast Delivery

Professional services

Friendly behaviour

24/7 Support

If you're not happy with my job, you'll get money-back guarantee

If you have any other question contact me.