Starting at $30.00

Help Purchase any Item From china Cheap and Affordable

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If you are in need a reliable Product Sourcing Agent then you are at the right place.

I have completed my Masters degree in China. I am currently working as a product sourcing agent for 2+ years. I have worked with clients from around the world and I have spoken to 100's of suppliers and always do my very best to find my clients the very best supplier available.

Sourcing Platforms: Alibaba, Taobao, Made in China, and China local suppliers

What I will provide?

Help You Purchase any Good and Arrange Courier

Connect you to Supplier with Best quality and Best Price

Check Product Quality and Packaging

 Supplier Information

 Supplier & Product Verification

 Supplier Comparisons

 Customized products, packaging and logos

Shipping and Logistics

Product Acquisition



 DDP, CIF, FOB, EXW prices

 Minimal lead time

 Logistics Plans

why choosing me?

I have 2+ years of experience as Product Sourcing Agent

Spent 7 years in China (speak Chinese) which is very helpful in negotiation

Expert in negotiation and communication

24/7 support

100% dedication

Best Experience Guaranteed

Thanks to my years experience as a product sourcing agent, I can source all products for your online store, retail store or warehouse. I will Help shipping or courier the Product anywhere in the World

NOTE: Lack of Assistance in Purchasing from china can lead to purchasing of wrong Goods, poor quality goods and fake Goods . Can also lead to wrong and delay courier. Let me help you make it happen at ease

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