Starting at $100.00

do aso app store optimization for IOS and google

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( 2 reviews )
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 I have hands-on experience optimizing apps and games of all sizes, across all industries and genres.

An expert at driving low cost, high retention downloads and increasing conversion rates using ASO, Im here to help you get discovered and succeed in the App Store and Google Play.


Why do I need ASO? (App Store Optimization)

  • Over 60% of all downloads come from searching.
  • Users from organic searches have a 156% higher retention rate
  • To build a solid, free source of quality traffic
  • What good is a great app if nobody can find it?

Whether you're launching a new app or you're just not getting the downloads you expected, my professional ASO gig will:

  • Identify and target high value keywords for your app
  • Improve your conversion rate
  • Lower your paid marketing CPI
  • Increase downloads and revenue
  • Boost your search visibility

Balancing data driven keywords with creative writing, I'll write a store listing that search algorithms and your users will love! 

By default, ASO will be for the USA unless requested otherwise. ASO for non-English countries must be agreed in advance via DM.

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