Starting at $5,000.00

Connect to Individuals and Official to purchase Raw Gold and Diamond from Africa

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( 4 reviews )
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Before we Proceed Have in mind that i provide a very discreet service and work with conditions. Prices of each Gig is determine by the service.

SECURITY: The money you paid for any service here is held by and can only be released to me when you confirm the delivery. Confirming the delivery can only be done by you, only when you are satisfied of the service I provided.


I have worked in Africa for more than 46 years and have connections in different part of Africa. i can connect you to rich Government officials in Africa who want to do business secretly with outside world. i can also connect you to African dealers who sell Gold and Silver in raw state. Let's just say with $20k you can buy a raw Gold or Diamond in African black market that you can re-sell for $500k in any part of the world. But for that to work, you need to meet the right people through right channel and that's where i come. in.

You are paying for me service as an agent to connect you with the right people and also give you assurance that you are in the right hand. My Fee is once off. You can accept the order or approve the order when you are 100% and satisfied that my connection is legit. You can also cancel and have your money fully refunded by leaterr.

Drop me an inbox message. let's talk.

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